Reduce Stress & Anxiety in Just 21 Days

Reduce stress and anxiety and create a more mindful and balanced routine in just 21 days, with simple and practical meditation and mindfulness exercises.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Challenge for Beginners

June 1 - June 21, 2024, by Email




minutes a day



Who Is This For?

Beginners & intermediates

Total beginners to meditation and mindfulness or intermediate practitioners who want to create and implement a personal routine and take their practice to the next level.

Busy professionals

Professionals with no time to spare looking to reduce stress and anxiety, increase their energy and performance, and live a healthier, happier, and more successful life.

Anyone willing to relax

Anyone willing to reduce stress and anxiety, create a more mindful and balanced routine, develop self-awareness, and improve their self-esteem and well-being.


I'm Vanda Mendonça

I'm a journalist and certified yoga teacher with an obsession for travel.

I started my career as a journalist back on my home island of the Azores, Portugal. Everything seemed to be going according to plan.

Except I wasn’t happy.

It may sound like a cliché, but I felt I was dying on the inside, trapped in a job and a place that didn’t feed my soul.

Until I found yoga and started my journey of self-discovery. And one day I finally summed up the courage to change my life: I moved to Lisbon for the second time, started a yoga teacher training program, and became a full-time yoga teacher.

Fast forward to June 2013, I left Lisbon for Zurich to follow love and my own dreams of exploring the world.

After 10 years as an expat in Switzerland, I now travel the world full-time as a digital nomad, with 27 countries and 5 continents under my belt and counting.

None of these changes were easy or happened overnight. But they're the proof anything is possible when you let go of fear and decide to live an authentic life.

I've been a Yoga Teacher for almost 15 years now and have witnessed many amazing journeys of transformation.

In 2017, I've founded The Yogi Wanderer, where I share my passions for travel, yoga, and mindful living.

My mission is to to help you explore the world and your true self one mindful experience at a time!

Travel Journalist & Certified Yoga Teacher

How It Works


Every day, for 21 days, you'll receive one simple and easy meditation or mindfulness exercise delivered directly to your email.


Practice for only 5 minutes a day. You'll get lifetime access to all the exercises, so you can try them at your own rhythm or as many times as you wish.


Reply to any of the emails with your questions and get feedback from me, to help you understand what you are doing and improve your practice.


Create your own personal routine and continue reaping the benefits of what you've learnt even after this 21-day challenge.

Want to Live a Healthier and More Balanced Life? 

Meditation and mindfulness are scientifically proven to have many benefits to both your physical and mental health.

This Meditation & Mindfulness Challenge will give you all the tools you need to develop and implement a personal meditation practice and start enjoying all its benefits to your body and mind.

The benefits of meditation are many and scientifically proven

A regular meditation practice has many benefits both to your physical and mental health:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases your levels of energy
  • Develops emotional and self-awareness
  • Enhances attention, concentration, and performance
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves your self-esteem and sense of well-being
  • Increases your empathy and kindness, and improves your relationships
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Reduces physical and emotional pain
  • Improves your memory
  • And much more!

Replace Stress & Anxiety with Happiness and Well-Being

Scientists now know that a regular meditation practice literally preserves your brain, reduces the "monkey mind" responsible for worrying and ruminating, works as an effective antidepressant, increases areas of the brain responsible for learning, memory and well-being, and decreases areas of the brain responsible for stress, anxiety, and fear.

Learn simple and easy meditation and mindfulness techniques and rewire your brain for happiness and well-being starting now!

Want to Be Successful? Meditate!

From Michael Jordan to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Gates or Gisele Bündchen, there's a reason successful people from all over the world and all walks of life use meditation and mindfulness to their advantage: Meditation works!

It makes you more creative, improves your brain's decision-making process, and helps you get into the state of "flow".

Discover how to use meditation and mindfulness to achieve your goals and dreams in life! 

what my students are saying

It is a very intense but fulfilling experience. It is worth it! Everyone should do this Bootcamp, whether you already meditate or don't have a clue how to do it. I found it very important that the teacher was always by our side, wishing to know our feedback to help us. 

Very enjoyable and relaxing. For me it was very helpful to be in touch on the Telegram channel. It held me accountable and it also reminded me every day that I had to do my meditation exercise. It was very helpful for building the habit of doing it daily.

Bethany Sullivan


Wander, a mindful travel journal

The first 10 people to sign up will receive an extra special gif from me: a free copy of my mindful travel journal. So hurry up and save your spot now!


Save Your Spot Now!


*VAT applicable for EU residents.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need every day?

It depends on how much time you have to dedicate to the exercises each day. You can practice for 5 minutes or for 20 minutes each day depending on your availability. The important thing is that you commit to doing it every single day for 21 days.

When will I start feeling the results?

If you commit to your daily practice and follow the exercises, you should expect to start feeling its benefits one to two weeks after. However, this may vary from person to person. 

Why should I trust you?

I'm a certified yoga instructor with almost 15 years of experience teaching and using these mindfulness techniques and exercises. I've witnessed both my own and my students' transformation and know these strategies can work and really change your life. 

Is this course religious or spiritual?

No, this course is not affiliated with any religious or spiritual tradition. 

If you have a question that isn't listed above, feel free to get in touch at

Copyright - The Yogi Wanderer